Narancsos szappan | Săpun cu portocale | Orange Soap

32,00 lei

Available on backorder


Összetétel: narancsinfúzió, szappanosított olivaolaj, napraforgó olaj, kókuszzsír, sheavaj, ricinusolaj, kurkuma, vörös agyag, illóolajok.

Conținut: infuzie de portocale, ulei de măsline, ulei de floarea soarelui, ulei de cocos, unt de shea, ulei de ricin saponificat, turmeric, argilă roșie, uleiuri esențiale.

Composition: orange infusion, saponified oliveoil, sunflower oil, shea butter, coconut butter, castoroil, turmeric, red clay, essential oils.

Additional information

Weight 90 g
Dimensions 8 × 8 × 3 cm


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